Tax Status
The Foundation For International Freedom is a 501(3)( c) corporation recognized by the US Internal Revenue Service and as such all donations are considered eligible as deductions under the Internal Revenue Code.
Amazon Smile
The Foundation for International Freedom has been approved for participation in the Amazon Smile program, under this program Amazon will donate
a half percent (0.5%) of all purchases to approved charitable organizations. When considering a purchase from Amazon, we suggest you shop at and designate FIF as the recipient.
We value your privacy and take every precaution to protect your personal information. Donations can be sent directly to the Foundation at the address below or can be made using either a credit card or a PayPal account. No PayPal account is required to make a donation. A shipping address must be provided, so that a donation receipt can be mailed to you. Thank you for your support.
Thank you for your decision to support the Foundation for International Freedom. Your contribution will help the Foundation to spread the message of freedom and counter the forces of terror and anarchy aligned against our civilizations.